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Home Gardener Vignettes

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Starting your No-Till Garden Today

The Soil Food Web


Fruit Trees


Free 7-part e-course

These are the “free to public” videos available on our website. Feel free to refer any of your family or friends who are interested in gardening to either our home or previews page. They can complete the webform on either page to access these.

Starting your No-Till Garden Today

The Soil Food Web

How to grow nutrient dense food (2:13:40)

Have you ever wondered how plants eat? Andrew Couzens provides a comprehensive introduction to the soil food web where we answer this question. This video is the recording of the members’ Zoom meeting webinar from 07-Apr-2021.


Fruit Trees


Free 7-part e-course

These are the “free to public” videos available on our website. Feel free to refer any of your family or friends who are interested in gardening to either our home or previews page. They can complete the webform on either page to access these seven videos.

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Andrew Couzens is a software engineer turned soil scientist.

A life long sufferer with inflammatory bowel disease, he was motivated to enter the agricultural space in an effort to “be the change” he believed was necessary to heal his own body.

Healthy plants come from healthy soil, and healthy soil comes from working with nature, not against it.

Leveraging his knowledge and experience in software engineering, he started Terra Flora Organics with a goal of helping conventional growers move from unsustainable practices that destroy soil and negatively affect the health of people and the planet, to regenerative practices that allow intensive farming whilst building soil and healing our minds and our bodies.

Andrew Couzens