No-till Gardening free e-course video #1
The no-till method for growing the best celery (5:20)
Farmer Dan demonstrates how to grow the best organic celery the no-till way.
This video covers:
– Full or partial harvest techniques, the latter for seed saving
– When and how often to water
– Why you should add compost as they grow
– How to feed the soil microbiome
– Why you want tall, pale green stems
– The reasons why you might be getting dark green & stringy stems
– The best months for planting
– When you can do your last planting (zones 7 & 8) and what you can do to help your celery survive the winter.
The open pollinating variety that Dan refers to is Tango, available from West Coast Seeds @
The next installment of the free no-till gardening e-course will reach your inbox in four days time.
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